Do you know many wound care items have limited shelf life? If you don’t, it is for your kind information that there are several wound care products (maybe in your first aid kits too) that won’t be good for indefinite period of time. At least, a yearly check is necessary whether any of the wound care item in your first aid kit is going to expire soon. It will allow you to replace any items that are about to be out of date.
Expiry dates on wound care products are important to notice, because some medications can change when they age. However, there are some wound care products which don’t necessarily stop doing their job, for instance band aid. Band aids which have antibiotic ointment on their pads may no longer have the same effectiveness after the shelf life of the product has expired.
There are wound dressings, deemed to be lasting for good. Advanced wound dressings are there, which are required for wounds hard to heal. In such a wound condition, antiseptic cream ointments may simple not be sufficient while treating wounds, resulting from conditions like diabetes, bone infections, ulcers, etc. Add moisture to the wound bed with hydrating dressings or perhaps you need to absorb drainage.
Find here a sterile, waterproof bacterial barrier, advanced wound care dressing that consists of a non-adherent absorbent pad that helps prevent external bacteria from entering the site. Check out the features of this dressing.

This is a comfortable dressing, easy to apply and can stretch with the skin to promote longer wear time. Check out its features to learn what this dressing is ideally suited for.
In search for specialty wound care products, there are hydrogels, silver coated dressings, and a lot more. Do you want to buy these wound care products? Check out the offerings of a specialty wound care store which has an extensive wound care product line up at discount rates.

Restock your home first aid kit with specialty wound care products this season. It’s the right time because a leading specialty wound care store is offering them at the best prices you won’t find anywhere. Whichever type of wound care items you will be looking for, say, sterile or non-sterile, woven and fluff, sponges and pads for small, large, or exudating wounds, you will get to find out all of them.
To check out much more varieties of wound care products, you may visit: specialty wound care store of Online Medical Supply. Find there a lot of wound care products up for sale at amazing discount rates, an ideal opportunity for hospitals, medical professionals, caregivers, besides individuals to grab it.
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