In order to fool-proof slippery bathroom floors, you can choose to install grab bar, bathtub rails, bath benches shower chairs, adhesive mats, raised or elevated seats, etc. in the bathroom. You can get that bath safety equipment which you need to safety-proof your bathroom on the cheap. No investment is, however, too small when it comes to safeguarding the interests of your loved ones and yourself!
Full bathroom renovation is not necessary to safety-proof your bathroom for elderly people, children or disabled people. You can modify some bathroom spaces for safety and security with the installation of bath safety equipment available at all major bath safety online stores.
Grab Bars: Install grab bars in the shower and bath area. Make sure to not use towel rack or bar as a substitute for the real grab bar. Grab bars come in a variety of sizes and configurations available with all leading bath safety online stores.

Backless Shower Benches: These benches can be put in the tub or shower. Keeping your parents’ physical condition, you have to decide what kind of bench you need. Seek the advice of a medical equipment professional to be sure you are making the right choice.
Elevated Toilet Seat: Toilet seat riser can provide elevation your parent and that you can use without having to replace the existing toilet. Elevated or raised toilet seat can increase height up to 4 inches. When equipped with side grab bars, your loved ones will have no problem sitting down and standing up on their own.
Adhesive Mats: Incidents of falls on bathroom floors are often reported and common. Maybe, someone in your family too might have experienced a near-fall incident in the past, to which he/she likely responded by striking around in an attempt to regain balance. You can use adhesive, rubber-backed mat and get it fixed to the floor to offer adequate foot grip at all times. By using these mats, you can ensure there are no more slipping around when you’re trying to bathe.
The ideal bathroom for any senior may include these bath safety items. Be sure that an addition of any one of these items can make a huge difference as far as senior bathroom safety goes! Browse stocks in one of the major bath safety online stores and shop, Visit: . for them at affordable costs. Get them free delivered to your preferred address on the same day!
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